African writing and ways of being should not be shaped or influenced by Western notions of what it means to be African.
We need to ask ourselves whether this model of democracy we have today in Africa, that dates back to the early 1990s, is now tired in its current permutation.
For the social contract between Kenyans to be restored, we must seek alternative leadership that understands that when the social contract in a society is broken, that society breaks down. We must confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves and our past.
Becoming a poet, playwright and performing artist has been a process of recovery and re-remembering for Sitawa Namwalie, of going back to her roots.
When Debunk Media launched its op-ed section, Public Square, in October 2022, Rasna Warah was the first columnist to officially join the team. Alongside the op-eds, Rasna, now battling cancer, did more writing, but in the form of Q&As. This is how Rasna did another
There is so much to say in this sad moment but I can only profess that Rasna Warah was one of the bravest and most truthful Kenyans I have known. She stood on principle and exposed mischief within the United Nations at the cost of