i) For Op-Eds

In less than 200 words (sent as an attachment), tell us:

  1. What’s your story/title?

  2. What is your argument and why is it important?

  3. What new/bold/unique propositions are you making?

  4. What’s your grand resolution?

*For expert views/op-eds, please share a brief bio, separately.

**If you’d like to write regularly, please indicate in your initial email, and why. 

ii) For Q&As, Features, Reviews, Essays, Profiles and Reportage

In less than 300 words (sent as an attachment), tell us:

  1. What’s your story/synopsis?
  2. Why does it matter and why does it matter now?
  3. What are your unique findings/angles?
  4. Why should you be the one to tell the story?

*If you’d like to write regularly, please indicate in your initial email, and why.

iii) For collaborations and longer term projects

In less than 500 words (sent as an attachment), tell us: 

  1. What’s your project? 
  2. Why does it matter and why does it matter now or in future?
  3. What are your unique angles/perspectives? 
  4. Why should you (working with us) be the one(s) to undertake the project?