We owe the people who produced us, our communities, more than just the Black tax we sometimes remit every end month. I, for one, owe my Mama a foot massage, my Guga home baked banana bread, my Baba a …
Nike may have said it first, but I remember a friend saying these words to me one evening when I told her I was waiting for motivation before I adjusted a few things in my life...…
Nike may have said it first, but I remember a friend saying these words to me one evening when I told her I was waiting for motivation before I adjusted a few things in my life...…

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Left in my own private world, temporarily relieved of my everyday encumbrances...naked, frightening, thrilling.…
I dream of plains of skin; black velvet plains with horizontal perturbed scars when I look at my chest. I dream of a bod…
“Wanawake saa hizi hata kushuka hatushuki . . . Hatuna muda hata wa kuenjoy na kina baba nyumbani, kwa ajili kila siku u…
Let me first state that I absolutely detest the word "creative" as a designation for all people doing any sort of artist…
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression on 17 January 2020. The first two drugs I got on were olanzapine (an a…
If there's one thing that Kenyans love it's gossip, especially when that gossip is around a celebrity. Even better when …
Guyana, 1974. Nearly a thousand worshippers at the People’s Temple Of The Disciples of Christ follow their leader, the c…
I slide and lean back on the leather seat watching my feet soak in a pedicure massager. It is a few minutes past 2 p.m. …
On 15 January 1985, the front page of The Standard newspaper carried the headline: ‘Killer sex disease in Kenya.’ That h…
To the children of families, you no longer call yours, You made the right decision Your family is whoever you say…
The endless news cycles. The myriad of opinions and hot takes. The barrage of social media misinformation and its sinist…