Public Square

What does public participation in Nairobi look like?  The Constitution of Kenya 2010 requires the government - whether national or county - to facilitate and engage in public participation whe
As a young woman, being able to go out (at night) without needing permission from my parents was one coming-of-age privilege I deeply longed for. And so when the time came for me to explore nightlife, I relished in the freedom that came with it. Luckily for me, I am the youngest of all my female mat



Pop Culture

It had been about three months since I played in an orchestra.…
When I was eight years old, I visited my favourite barber Boni’s shop at least once a month. This was the only way I cou…
I like to think of opening acts at music concerts as starter meals. Typically, starters are consumed in anticipation of …
Since Wangechi stepped into the Kenyan rap scene with her unique flow and energy, and lyrics containing a confessional f…
He was in essence Grandmaster Bullets . . . or Grandmaster Sparks . . . I will never know.…

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[molongui_author_list output=list layout=basic include_users="83,98,99,114,140,124,130,131,134,90" orderby="rand"]


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(Koko, Udo, Karwitha, Mercy, Kabi and Waiyaki) Conversations With Queer Africans On Family and Friendship A series of interviews done over Instagram, voice notes and calls with beloved strangers. Each respondent is in conversation with Angel Lovely and in turn, in conversation with each other. Th

