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What does public participation in Nairobi look like?  The Constitution of Kenya 2010 requires the government - whether national or county - to facilitate and engage in public participation whenever making laws. However, the form such civic undertakings take depends on who is doing it, and wh…

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What does public participation in Nairobi look like?  The Constitution of Kenya 2010 requires the government - whether national or county - to facilitate and engage in public participation whe…

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On the Current Wave of Anti LGBTQ Legislation in Africa
KEVIN MWACHIRO is a Kenyan writer, podcaster, journalist, and queer activist. He has authored Invisi…
In 1993, Guinea Bissau repealed its Penal Code and decriminalised consensual same-sex sexual acts be…
For the third time now — 2014 being the first time a version of it was passed — Ugandan lawmakers ha…

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During crises, people prefer stories of good news: miraculous rescues and escapes, acts of heroism a…


At 79, Raila Odinga may just have made his worst political blunder. …

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Few things elicit sharp reactions like discussing a woman’s body and what she can or cannot do with it. From how a woman wears her hair to how she does her toenails, to how th…
Few things elicit sharp reactions like discussing a woman’s body and what she can or cannot do with it. From how a woman wears her hair to how she does her toenails, to how th…


A Brief History of Anti-LGBTQ Legislation in Africa

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